Fairmus - Artist

Upload your music for free

Trusted by 500+ artists across the world

Your music is not yet on Fairmus?

Your music is not yet on Fairmus?

Start uploading music, it's free

You discovered your song on Fairmus?

You discovered your song on Fairmus?

Contact us if you own the performer rights

  1. Descriptive Free of Charge icon

    Uploading music is free of charge

  2. Descriptive No Free Tiers icon

    No free tiers, music is valuable

  3. Descriptive Counted by the Second icon

    Listening time is counted by the second

  4. Descriptive Money to Artists icon

    Money is only distributed to the artists users listen to

  5. Descriptive Transparent money icon

    Transparent money distribution

  6. Descriptive Listening data icon

    Direct access to listening data (coming soon)

  1. 1

    Create album

    Upload songs and verify that you are the phonogram owner.

  2. 2

    Publish to app

    Before publishing we will review the album and data.

  3. 3

    Keep track

    Your dashboard shows how much revenue songs are creating.

Try the app for free

4.99€ after the first month